Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Avoid Sweets and Be Slim

Do you wish to be slim always?

If yes, Then you have to avoid eating more sweets. eating sweets more than a limit will lead to obesity .Then it will be very hard to control your weight. So, avoid eating sweets daily.If you can't avoid, try eating once for a day. Then slowly change that into every alternate days.Then once in 2 days and twise a week and once in a week.Then it will be easy to control your weight.

Always start your dieting slowly. Suddenly stop eating won't help you.If you want to stop eating, first try for a time/day and for a whole day and so on.Stopping for a week or month won't be the permanent process.

Eat sweets which are of less calorie. Eat home made sweets. Eat sweets in less amount.Then your life will be very sweet with your happiness of maintaining proper weight.

Sweet--------- must be less in food but more in your life.

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